fuel your awesome because…
To see what you are capable of as the healthiest version of yourself.
To not just feel comfortable in your body, but proud of yourself.
To have more energy, and therefore, more time.
You are so ready…
And you know you are called to do so many things, so showing up as your best self with energy and ease isn’t an option anymore - it’s essential.
I’ve been there too.
My personal “I’ve had it” moment was after my first son was born. I had recovered from a disordered relationship with food, but I didn’t know how to eat intentionally without being obsessive. I was SO ready to put into practice all that I knew about nutrition.
So I looked at combining play with exercise, and got curious about how I felt when I made intentional nutrition choices. Then something amazing happened- within just one month I started feeling better! I had no idea that I could feel this alive and energetic, especially at this incredibly busy stage of my life! The best part?? This was just the beginning…

Here’s what I now know:
Because I used to struggle with food and didn’t want to perpetuate obsession about food… I started to become afraid of discipline.
I learned to eat intuitively, and that served me well for many years, but as a working mama - who isn’t getting any younger - I knew I needed to do something different.
That’s when I learned how to partner with food to fuel and energize my day and started to play with exercise instead of obsessing.
…and I have never felt better!
There is a difference between eating healthy and eating empowered, and I would love to teach you everything.
I’m empowering and energizing People all over the world to:
Fully heal your relationship with food and body.
Become a discipline diva, while at the same time letting go of any rigidity.
Absolutely fall in love with the form of exercise that’s right for you.
Choose a more energetic way to live, because ultimately, more energy equals more time to pour into what you love.
Now is your time!
I’m here to help you uncomplicate food and turn exercise into play so you can have more energy, and more time!
Here’s how it works:
There’s a transformative place where your values, your body's biofeedback, and nutrition science converge.
It’s not magic, but it sure feels like it once you get there! I’ll help you explore how your personal values shape your relationship with food and how your body responds to different nutritional choices. By understanding this intersection, you can unlock the power of aligning your values with your body's needs through science-backed nutrition.
Ready to learn more about the transformative potential that awaits at the unique convergence of values, biofeedback, and nutrition science?
how I can help:
ONE: take the masterclass
Unlock the secret to eat intuitively and hit your goals without wasting another minute obsessing about food. Take my FREE masterclass and you will have the exact blueprint I used to amplify my energy and feel empowered in my health.
TWO: Tune in to the podcast
Tune into the Fuel Her Awesome Podcast. On the show I drop weekly content on the latest tips and tricks you can become an Empowered Eater! From the latest research to intriguing interviews, I love to cover it all on the show!
THREE: enroll in the course
The Empowered Eating Method Course is the science-backed, values-based nutrition solution that will help you create a productive partnership between your body and food. This is the exact blueprint I use with my clients in a self-paced course.
FOUR: 1:1 Nutrition Coaching
Sometimes we want someone to walk with us. In my 1:1 coaching I work organically to review your goals, your healthy status, and come up with a customized plan to leave you healthier than you knew possible!
Five: professional mentoring
I am all about supporting the future of dietetics, and I’d love to work with you! I am an iaedp Approved Supervisor and a board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. My specialities include: Entrepreneurship, sports nutrition, and eating disorders.
SIX: hire me to speak
Hand me a mic and I’ll get the room excited about nutrition! Past presentations include: TEDx, NM Academy of Nutrition Dietetics Conference, The International Assoc. of Eating Disorders Professionals Symposium, and the National College of Sports Medicine Conference.
have we met somewhere before?
“Taking the time to appreciate my body for the things it’s capable of doing is not something I’m in the habit of doing. After working with Jessika, I’ve really been focusing on looking at my body as an instrument to help me love my life. I love that she is about enhancing who I am now and helping me learn to not punish myself for being me.”
- abby
An instrument to help me love my life…

want some audio coffee?
Join me in the latest episode of the Fuel Her Awesome Podcast, where we dive into topics like:
How to stop eating with a side of guilt!
How much chocolate is ok to eat?
How to use biofeedback to choose the right diet for you!