Overhaul Your Routine With the 7 Day Routine Reset Challenge
Get ready for a total routine overhaul with the Fuel Her Awesome Routine Reset Challenge! In this challenge, we’ll reinvent your routine to pave the way for empowered eating.
From morning rituals and quick snacks, to evening relaxation techniques, we'll cover it all. Join me as we set up a structured and sustainable daily routine through habit stacking, motivational stories, and science-based insights to support your empowered eating journey.
After a long summer, girl it’s time to reset, recharge, and embrace an empowered you. Let the reset begin!
In day one’s episode we'll be building the foundation for your routine reset by taking steps to ensure we align our actions and attitudes with our core values. These core values will become our north stars, that guiding light motivation we need so we can stay focused and committed to achieving our goals. You can find a free online values assessment here.
For day two’s episode, we answer the question: Should you eat on a schedule?
I don’t prefer the word should, so first things first, let’s reframe this question: Is it helpful to eat on a schedule? As a sports and eating disorder dietitian, I have found scheduling meals, especially in your initial empowered eating stages, can be extremely beneficial.
Here is why: Sometimes our hunger and fullness cues are off and we need to reset them. We either get too busy, and skip meals and snacks, or we only eat when starving. And when we practice this type of eating style - we usually end up overeating, and typically end up trying to reduce intake at the next meal.
So, the very first step I recommend clients take as they reset their eating routine, is to make a plan to eat every 2-4 hours.
Need more support?
Let’s dive deeper into the step-by-step process, and science backed techniques, of empowered eating in my program The Empowered Eating Method!
On day three, we learned how to set up your circadian rhythm for success, and sync up your circadian rhythm with your metabolism, based on biofeedback.
Your circadian rhythm is your body’s natural 24-hour sleep/wake cycle. This natural body clock is synchronized with your external environment through cues like exposure to light, and the timing of your meals.
In day four’s episode, I talked about how to stack and simplify your supplement routine for effortless compliance - and why this supplement habit hack and stack is so important!
By the end of today’s mini episode you'll be ready to implement your very own supplement stack hacks.
Once upon a time there was a girl who thought too much protein would make her look like The Rock. Then she drank the protein juice (literally... there were lots of protein shakes) and she never looked back.
What she didn’t know then (that she knows now) is that protein provides a continuous stream of amino acids to the body that builds not just muscles, but also builds enzymes, hormones and powerful neurotransmitters.
This synergistic combination maintains healthy hair, skin, and nails while keeping your immune system strong.
Let’s talk about protein power! It's no secret that protein is a dietary superstar, the problem is we as women still don’t get enough of it. And, we don’t understand the importance of timing our protein intake to really reap the most protein power packed benefits for our body.
Need more support?
Let’s dive deeper into the step-by-step process, and science backed techniques, of empowered eating in my program The Empowered Eating Method!
I was sitting with a new client this week. She is a beautiful young woman. The kind of woman with a body that doesn’t fit our culture’s expectations. And yet, she possessed an aura of beauty about her.
She came to me because she said she was bigger than all her friends and she struggled with this. She said she was trying to like her body, but it feels like a losing battle because the fact of the matter is, she is in a bigger body.
I asked her how she felt when she moved her body- and she said she felt better! She said, when moving her body it felt stronger and more energetic - and even though her body doesn’t physically change when she moves it for a few days, she has more confidence.
Then, I asked her why she doesn’t move her body more regularly. Her answer was something I think so many of us can relate to. She said, because when she misses a day, she feels like a failure and so she falls off the wagon.
This all-or-nothing mentality, with an undercurrent of diet culture, insinuates that exercise is something that must always meet a certain expectation, or criteria.
In day six of the routine reset, we going to identify the top three barriers to regular, fun exercise, and discuss how to overcome them.
Aristotle said it best:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
To help you turn your new routines into habits, today we are breaking down the habit loop which includes: the cue, the routine, and the reward. Understanding this loop can help you reengineer your habits.
The battle with behavior change is that the reward may not be as instant, or arguably, the reward isn’t what we are used to. The trick is to know how to find the new reward, and practice the new habit, so your brain starts to crave the new reward.
Need more support?
Let’s dive deeper into the step-by-step process, and science backed techniques, of empowered eating in my program The Empowered Eating Method!
This podcast is here to support you weekly, but it only scratches the surface. For more info on how you can become an empowered eater grab my FREE MASTERCLASS on how to become confident in your body without obsessing over food at jessbrownrd.com.
Don’t forget to join me right here every Monday - where I can’t wait to fuel your awesome.
Cheers, and happy eating!